About Me
The Rita Made Me Do It Podcast

FREE Guide: "Seven Principles of Networking"

The key to growing your business is effective relationship building. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, you already have everything you need to build and leverage relationships.  

Master these seven principles and your networking will be more fruitful, sales will increase, opportunities will multiply and, most importantly, you’ll have a healthy relationship with your business.

Download Your Free Guide Now!

Anything is possible if you have enough nerve.

- J. K. Rowling -

Hi, I'm Rita!

I'm a Business Strategist helping women entrepreneurs take bold action to create BIG results in business so they make more money in less time. My favorite thing is helping business owners reach their first six-figure year by creating strategies that are easy to implement and FUN! In fact, my clients were the ones to coin the phrase "Rita made me do it!" to celebrate their many successes! 

 I know that you have BIG goals for your business and life and I want to help you take the actions that will create true and lasting success. Feel free to e-mail me at Rita@RitaMadeMeDoit.com to schedule a complimentary clarity call or join me in my free community, The All-In Entrepreneur. I can't wait to get to know you! 

"Rita’s guidance and advice have made this transition to a new business easy and even fun! I feel so lucky, excited, and energized to be a part of her amazing mastermind."

Kim Creigh Founder, Creative Reading Adventures www.creativereadingadventures.com

"My biggest results came from Rita's direction, training, and coaching skills. Now I confidently tell people what problems I solve for my market and how I do it - and have gained more clients because of it! "

Lisa Shaughnessy Founder, CreateFollowUpMessages.com www.createfollowupmessages.com 

In 2015, I founded "Women's Business Garden," a free community that provides education and events to women entrepreneurs globally, making it easier for them to start and grow their businesses! In June 2016, Women’s Business Garden was selected as a change-making community by the United State of Women Summit convened by The Obama White House.  

Over the years, the group has gone through many changes, and is now called the All-In Entrepreneur. Currently, The All-In Entrepreneur's membership is 3,000+ strong. Members represent countries and industries from all over the world!  

Members of The All-In Entrepreneur believe that the fastest path to success is helping others succeed and openly share their expertise, connections and resources to lift the other members! I'd love to have you join us!

Join The All-In Entrepreneur Facebook Community

Join my free community to check out its resources, participate in powerful trainings, take part in virtual & in person networking, co-working and community events and create strong and lasting relationships with other women entrepreneurs.  

I hope I see you in the group, where we go all-in to build profitable businesses that support our dream lives!