Rita Goodroe's
Six-Figure CEO Mastermind:

Achieve your goals with clarity, focus, and excitement - and the best brains in business

Apply for the next round of the mastermind starting July 2023!

Is running your business getting harder - instead of easier?

  • Your business is thriving, but your health, sleep, and relationships are starting to tank. 
  • No matter what you do, you can’t pull yourself away from client work long enough to invest in what your business needs. 
  • You’re ready to take the big moves necessary to increase your revenue and grow your business—but you’re not sure what those moves are.
  • You're sick of starting things and never finishing and are ready to live out your goals.
  • Your friends aren’t equipped to help (though they try!), your partner doesn’t understand, and you don’t feel understood or supported in a way that feels actionable. 
  • You’re getting the sinking feeling you’re doing it wrong.

There's a (much) easier way.


  • Consistently hitting your revenue goals because you know the right actions to take.
  • Taking time off with no guilt knowing that your business is working even while you are away.
  • Eliminating bottlenecks in your processes to free you up to do the work you love.
  • Focusing on what's most important for your business—and for your personal life.
  • Accelerating your growth by tapping into a supportive group of business owners who are invested (and interested!) in your success.
  • Ending each day knowing you did exactly what you needed to do to succeed—with time to spare.

This is what happens when you surround yourself with like-minded business owners and strong mentorship from Rita Goodroe.  

You’ll not only IMAGINE yourself reaching the next level, you’ll take instant, actionable steps to making it happen—NOW.


The Six-Figure CEO Mastermind: 

The fastest way to scale your business, get more sales, build your audience, and lead your company with confidence.

The Six-Figure CEO Mastermind is a group coaching program that helps you get the clarity, focus, and excitement you need to create a profitable business model that bends to your life—not the other way around.

You’ll join a fellow high-performing business owners and take part in a six-month action sequence that is specifically designed to help you tackle the key components of a successful business.

  • Building Your Business Model to Scale
  • Money, Mindset and Profit
  • Visibility and Lead Generation
  • Relationship Nurturing and Sales Funnels
  • Time and Team
  • Sales Process + Conversation Tactics

Accelerated growth happens when you step outside of your expertise and experiences and step into the expertise and experiences of others.

Every member of your mastermind group is selected based on complimentary criteria—stage of business, industry type, marketing success, and more. With ten people total, every member of your group has something uniquely powerful to bring to the table. You’ll increase your business acumen 9x just by being in the room—at a fraction of time and financial commitment of learning these tactics on your own!

That’s the power of a mastermind.

In addition to all your mastermind brings to the table, you’ll also get tailored input and guidance from Rita Goodroe who has seen what works, what doesn't, and knows how to help you achieve your goals quickly!

Ready to finally get the professional mentorship, peer support, and business training you deserve?


Meet Rita Goodroe

I’m a business strategist and success coach for entrepreneurs who want to increase their reach, revenue, and results—and to it in a fraction of the time.

I know what it's like to want your business to grow, but at the same time feel overwhelmed, tired and afraid of more risk. I needed answers, but wasn’t sure where to look for them. I needed more sleep and self-care, but I keep pushing myself through one more day. I needed support, but everywhere I turned was a cookie-cutter solution that sounded like even MORE work.

Luckily, my coach at the time invited me to her and a small group of high-performing women during one of their monthly sessions. After one meeting, I was hooked—and that group became a safe space to play out my ideas, get valuable feedback and advice, and hold myself to the goals I had made for myself.

Because I knew that group had my back, I busted through the barriers keeping me stuck and stepped into the next level of my business with ease. I met my revenue targets. I grew my audience. And I had a blast with people I’m proud to call my peers.

I’ve since made masterminds a critical part of my own business growth—and it’s one of the reasons I love creating masterminds for others. Because of the advice, support, and accountability I regularly receive from business owners I respect and trust, I discovered how easy it was to

  • Double revenue
  • Leverage active and passive income streams
  • Hire an assistant—put them to great use.
  • Expand into a new service offering I’m excited about (I now am a paid international speaker and now have a flexible business model that allows me to do the traveling I love!)

I know you are tired of going ALL OUT, all of the time and doing it ALONE. Here’s your chance to try something different—and experience the business and life you’ve always wanted.

Lisa A Nicholls CEO, Tira! Strategies www.tirastrategies.com

"I've always been skeptical of Mastermind groups. I thought it was a silly idea to pay to be in a group just chatting with other people.  

Rita turned my notion of Mastermind Groups upside down! Thanks to the amazing women in our Mastermind Group, I have reached several business goals that I thought were unattainable!  

 I launched 4 paid programs; scheduled 10 speaking engagements for this year, up from 0 before I started with the group; brought in revenue from sources that I never even thought of; completely revised my package offerings to better reflect my services and pricing; and even found a mentor!  

I started and grew my Facebook group to 550 and my group has been a great source of people to funnel into my paid programs. I've also created solid bonds with several of our mastermind participants, which I know we'll carry forward as we all grow our businesses!”

"Before Rita's Mastermind, I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to take my business. The group sessions, support of other like-minded business owners, and Rita's guidance helped me figure out which direction was right for me!  

My biggest results came from Rita's direction, training, and coaching skills on: Creating my signature system; Structuring my offers; Creating content; and Positioning myself in the marketplace.  

Now I confidently tell people what problems I solve for my market and how I do it - and have gained more clients because of it!  

The support and feedback of the other women business owners in the group was one of the most beneficial aspects of this program!!" 

Lisa Shaughnessy Founder, CreateFollowUpMessages.com  


  • A great start—our tailored Orientation Week kicks off every 6-month session, familiarizing you with the tools and resources of the program.
  • Unlimited coaching calls with Rita Goodroe for expert strategy and support that is tailored to your specific goals and challenges.
  • Guest expert trainings where you will learn directly from professionals who specialize in everything you need to grow your six-figure business, including sales, systems, legal, marketing, and so much more.
  • Weekly “hot seat” coaching sessions that allow for each member to share on a specific challenge or obstacle and be coached by the group (and Rita!).
  • CEO planning documents that provide structure and focus to your planning and progress as CEO of your business.
  • Demonstrations, scripts, checklists and other resources as necessary to help you implement what you learn in the program.
  • Access to the private Facebook group for daily support, feedback, shout-outs, call-outs, and celebrations.
  • Ongoing support & feedback from Rita throughout your entire 6-month membership.

In every session, EACH MEMBER gets a chance to be heard and to contribute. You will be given an opportunity to showcase your expertise and guide other members through presentations, trainings, or however you'd like!

*Note, all group calls will take place on Thursdays from 10:00am-11:30am ET.

Big goals and big dreams require bold moves in the right direction.

They don’t require a ton of time, energy or money. 

The Six-Figure CEO Mastermind: Six-Figure Sales program is an investment a price almost anyone can manage.  

Private coaching with Rita for 6 months is $15,000 or $2,500/month. 

The investment for The Six-Figure CEO Mastermind: Six-Figure Sales program is $950/month—and you STILL get a great level of private coaching PLUS group sessions, planning documents and so much more!

Previous rounds of this Mastermind have reported massive acceleration, unprecedented gains, and more freedom than they ever thought possible.

Here’s your chance to

  • Make more money
  • Do more of what you love—outside of work.
  • Hit your 6-month targets—and celebrate with those who “get it”
  • Create a business model with the flexibility you crave
  • Get consistent clients who pay you what you’re worth
  • Generate multiple streams of revenue
  • Grow your team and delegate with confidence
  • Flatten the learning curve—and accelerate your business growth with fewer speed bumps and detours.

No matter what your goals and challenges are, you will be surrounded by people who have the skills, experience, and desire to help.

“The Six-Figure CEO Mastermind was my first experience in joining a dedicated group of business owners, and it really opened my eyes (and my business) to how easily challenges can be tackled when you leverage the knowledge and experiences of others.

Suddenly I had support, accountability, resources, and a place to celebrate successes with people who actually understood what those achievements meant.

And we had lots to celebrate during those six months—we launched our website, doubled our team of writers, and expanded our impact with our small business clients.

If you're stingy when it comes to supportive resources and professional development, know this: the Mastermind is an investment that reduces costly mistakes, mis-hires, and time to market."

Kacey Langel Ma
Founder + CEO, The Hungry Typewriter


Kim Creigh Founder, Creative Reading Adventures www.creativereadingadventures.com

"Rita knows how to carefully curate a group of strong, independent women business owners and help bring them to the next level. 

I personally have participated in two rounds of her mastermind, and received invaluable coaching from Rita. She knows which direction to point you in and her advice is on point. Not only do you get feedback from Rita, but the perspective and advice from the women in the mastermind group are just as valuable. 

After a lot of discussions in the group and personal introspection, I chose to completely switch my business during this last round of the mastermind. With the guidance and support of an amazing group of women, many of who I now consider close friends, it’s not as scary to take the leap and start a completely new business. 

Rita’s guidance and advice have also made this transition easy and even fun! I feel so lucky, excited, and energized to be a part of this amazing mastermind."

This course has changed the lives and revenues of business owners—but that doesn’t mean it will for you.

It’s true. And here’s why.

This program may not be for you if…   

  • You aren’t yet sure of who you want to help or how you want to help them.
  • You aren’t willing to take ACTION and move QUICKLY.
  • You aren’t community driven and don’t want to share and support others.  

If you KNOW that you want to:  

  • Uplevel your business and make more money in less time
  • Have the life you’ve dreamed of; and 
  • Impact more people


AND you are ready to go ALL-IN on the RIGHT actions that create a successful business that supports your life, it’s time to commit to making it happen.

The Six-Figure CEO Mastermind is unlike any other program out there.

It combines all of the pieces critical to a successful, scalable business—and aligns them in a way that creates momentum, personal growth, and tremendous progress.

  • The power of community
  • Combined expertise of business owners at complementary stages
  • Private coaching & mentorship
  • The gift of group support
  • Daily accountability
  • Targeted tactics and strategies
  • Templates and scripts as well as demonstrations, checklists, and other at-the-ready resources
  • Tried and true curriculum
  • Proven CEO planning documents

Where other masterminds focus on networking or one-way workshops, I want to make sure you get the tailored strategy for your goals (which we work on together), full-spectrum support to hold you accountable (which you get from your peers), and everything you need to put it into action (which are all the tools, templates, and scripts).

The Six-Figure CEO Mastermind is NOT workshop based. Our sessions are expertly facilitated discussions tailored to the needs of our specific group members.

Stop spreading yourself thin with useless webinars, accountability partners who let you slide, group programs that never let you talk, and thrown-together templates that don’t work.

Get everything (and everyone!) you need in one place, aligned to your specific targets, and in a way that is easiest for your schedule, your budget, and your goals!

Still on the fence?

Email me at Rita@RitaMadeMeDoIt.com to ask me any questions you have and I'll personally reply.  

I want to help you make the decision that is right for you.